
Showing posts from July, 2019

Dark Side of Japan's Comedy Company

A couple of Japanese famous comedians were forced to retire their careers by the president of Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., one of the biggest companies in the comedy industry. It was because those two had sales associated with anti-social groups without the company's assist: it's called "Yami Eigyo", which means Black Sales in English. After the announcement, those two, Miyasako (left) and Ryo (right) asked to have a press conference to tell the media and public what actually happened, but it took more than enough time to actually make it happened; the president of the company was threating Miyasako and Ryo saying "I have the power to fire everyone." when they were begging him for a chance. On July 20th, 2019, Miyasako and Ryo finally got a permission and told the truth to the media. They revealed some conversations they had with the president, which were eventually considered as harassment. For instance, "Are you recording now?" the president wa...

Why Tinder Sucks In Japan

People on tinder you see are very different depending on where you are. Each place has its own unique feature: from my experiences, you find a lot of people who work in the film industry in LA, and you find a lot of business people in NYC.. How are Japanese people on tinder? 1) They don't show their face Some people don't put a single picture that shows their face in their profile, but they'll send one to you if you match. (I don't understand why they think girls/boys would swipe right without seeing their face.) It's because some of them don't want their friends to know that they're on tinder, which would directly mean they're looking for some sexual attention. In Japan, friends NEVER share their sex life with each other unless they're drunk. 2) Food Porn Japanese guys will take you out to lunch or dinner if you match with one, so the guys want to show that they have a good taste in food.  3) Nerdy Foreigners  One of the ...

Not Even Soon To Legalize Marijuana

Marijuana is legal in many places in the world starting from some countries in Europe, to some part of North/South America. In 2013, Uruguay became the first country to fully legalize marijuana. ( Vox ) Then Canada was second. When will Japan be legalizing marijuana..? Maybe never. At least once a year, elementary schools/middle schools invite guest speakers to lecture kids about the effect of "drugs" and how to prevent from getting them without actually knowing what they are. Marijuana is referred as a drug with other pills MDMA, Ecstasy etc. Japanese kids have never been taught about what marijuana actually does to you: That's why most of people in the country think that marijuana is bad. These are some impressions Japanese people have: "Marijuana kill people's brains." "Don't smokers see or hear things?" It'd be a lie if I say that there're no marijuana or no smokers in Japan, however it is not easy to get it. The...

Many Teen Suicides Are Caused By School

The government has announced that 599 children who are under 19 years old committed suicide in 2018: the number increased by 32 from last year. For all ages, 20,840 was the total number, which has been decreasing for 9 years in a row. The cause that made most teens lead to committing suicide is trouble at school.  [Devided by the cause/motive and number] School --- 188 (Grade --- 57 Future --- 46 Friendship --- 27 Entrance Exam --- 25 Bullying --- 2 Teacher --- 1 Others --- 30) Health --- 119 Family --- 116 Relationship --- 52 Work --- 32 Living --- 16 Others --- 45 −−−−−−−−−− Total --- 568 Source:

Japanese Need To Learn How To Ask For Consent

  家までホイホイついて来て「そんなつもりじゃなかった。」と言って被害者ヅラする女は、男側に「やらないなら今すぐ帰ってほしい。ここ俺の家だし。」と言われても文句を言う資格などないんですよね。同様に。 — Dine (ダイン) 👨‍✈️✈️獲得中! (@DineJapan) July 8, 2019  A woman can't complain in the situation, where she goes to the guy's house and says "I didn't expect this to happen" when he starts asking for sexual attention; "This is my home. I'd like you to leave if you don't want to have sex with me." - @DineJapan This is a tweet by a dating app named Dine that a single woman manages its Twitter account. Usually the account gets less than a hundred likes, but tweet attracted people who don't agree with the detail of it. Japan has its own unique culture that everybody assumes another person's emotions and thoughts. Also they're not the great communicators compared to the rest of the world. It's hard to say yes as a yes, or no as a no. Sadly consenting is not something a lot of people do there. Let's see what people repl...

Foreign Students End Up Being Slaves In Japan

Due to Japan's declining population, the government is accepting more workers from other countries than ever. Coming to Japan as a student and working at the same time would make a difficult situation for foreigners especially coming from lower-income places. Although Japan's set a law that foreign workers aren't allowed to work over 28 hours each week, most likely they're forced to work overtime, and not getting paid for it. Those students' purpose to learn Japanese, and to study in Japan, however many of them end up working more than studying. For the past three years, over 1,600 foreign students disappeared from Tokyo University of Social Welfare. They have debts to pay a lot of money to attend a language school and a university, and eventually they have to quit school to work more instead. Japan's been planning to aim for 300,000 students by 2020 since 2008. Originally there were many Chinese and Korean elites studying in Japan; they had to g...

It's Their Fault That They're Poor

"It's their fault that they're poor" is a common thought in Japan: especially elites who have higher income think this way. However, it's not something people that are called underclasses being forced to do the work with little money can take responsibility about. Sadly those underclasses will easily believe that they're poor because they didn't work hard enough to be richer. Moreover, it's quiet difficult to keep believing in yourself when the world is telling you that you're a failure. An American philosopher, John Rawls speaks that self-respect is most important in his book "A Theory of Justice". Source:

Single Person Household Is Becoming Standard

In 1990, almost 40% of married had made a family with kids, and in 2015, the percentage drastically went down to 27%. Single person households are now up to 35%: it'll be close to 40% within the next 20 years. This is not only happening in the cities like Tokyo; it's becoming a problem in the entire country. Japan has a type of restaurants called "Fami-res" which is an abbreviation of family restaurants. It's going to be "Fami-less" if the amount of families with kids keeps decreasing. Source:

Be Careful With "Send Me Nudes"

This problem exists everywhere on this planet. A short film was made by Tokyo to teach kids how dangerous it is to send nudes to someone through chat apps when asked. The research team asked about 12,000 people including elementary school students, middle school students, high school students, and their parents if their aware of the risks to somehow get involved in a crime like "Send me nudes." In result, only 2.8% of the adults and 6.3% of the children answered that they are aware of those risks. It means over 90% of them aren't. Moreover, 18% of the high school girls said they have been asked to send photos or videos of their face of body. You will be fined about $3,000 USD if you ask a child under 18 years old to send you nudes in Japan.

The Purpose of Petition For #KimOhNo Was Changed Into Something Different

Many Japanese people showed their furious emotions about Kim Kardashian West for naming her new shapewear brand "Kimono". Kim dropped it after all the petitions, tweets and letters everyone had sent. Especially the petition  made change with 136,892 supporters.  However, Sono Fukunishi, who started the petition later tweeted that she was trying to register Kimono to Intangible Cultural Heritage with the petition for #KimOhNO, and some people were against it. The comments to her tweet were "You can't just change the purpose of the petition, even though this whole thing is not completely finished yet.", "It is not nice that you're trying to do it without everybody's permission." and "I didn't join the petition because I wanted Kimono to be Intangible Cultural Heritage."  In the end, Sono apologized through One of the problems might be being able to change titles, body texts and photos while the petition is g...

Disrespectful Comments on Former Female Wrestler's Photos

Saori Yoshida, a former Japanese wrestler who won almost every major competition, including three Olympic Games, four Asian Games, and 13 world championships, shared a couple photos of her in a bra for the campaign. 本日解禁!シンクロブラのモデルに初挑戦! 撮影に向けて身体作りをしたり、気合いを入れて挑みました😆 ワコール「Date.」ズレにくいノンワイヤー『シンクロブラ』 #ワコール #Date . #ズレにくいノンワイヤー #シンクロブラ #ズレない私でいこう — 吉田沙保里 (@sao_sao53) July 1, 2019 "Releasing today! My first time modeling for the bra! I tried to make my body look good for this photo shoot :)" It was her very first time modeling, she even says that she put some effort into building her body for the photo shoot. However, there seemed to be many disrespectful comments by mainly men. きつい、 — むさーしー (@__711___) July 2, 2019     "I can't even look at these photos." 下着はずれないかもしれないけど、世間とずれてるかな — 餅は飲み物 (@KClNNPEM2NDh6Gi) July 2, 2019 "(This bra's feature is that it wouldn't slip on breasts)...