Dark Side of Japan's Comedy Company

A couple of Japanese famous comedians were forced to retire their careers by the president of Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., one of the biggest companies in the comedy industry. It was because those two had sales associated with anti-social groups without the company's assist: it's called "Yami Eigyo", which means Black Sales in English.

After the announcement, those two, Miyasako (left) and Ryo (right) asked to have a press conference to tell the media and public what actually happened, but it took more than enough time to actually make it happened; the president of the company was threating Miyasako and Ryo saying "I have the power to fire everyone." when they were begging him for a chance.

On July 20th, 2019, Miyasako and Ryo finally got a permission and told the truth to the media. They revealed some conversations they had with the president, which were eventually considered as harassment.

For instance,
"Are you recording now?" the president was about to start talking privately with the two.

On July 22nd, 2019, the president of Yoshimoto Kogyo Co. had a press conference to apologize for making his (ex-)employees have such a emotional press conference the other day, and responding to what the two of them said about what he did. He denied the harassment suspicion saying that it was a joke.

After all this, the president announced that he's taking Miyasako and Ryo back to the company, though it'd be their decision whether they'll be back or not.

Sources: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20190721/k10012001171000.htmlhttps://news.careerconnection.jp/?p=75544


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