Comedian Made Racist Joke On Tennis Queen

It might be harder for people that grow up in Japan to have a good understanding about racism, yet it can never be an excuse to make a joke about it: the issue is world wide. Because of the majority of Japan's population having Asian appearances, they have less of a chance to be treated badly. It's a common story that Japanese kids always ask kids with lighter or darker skin why they look different from them, the Japanese. At worse, typical Japanese kids would bully kids that don't look like them.

Sadly, this Japanese comedy duo called "A-masso (Aćƒžćƒƒć‚½)" made a huge mistake at an event in Tokyo where they had their performance on September 22nd. The theme of their Manzai (a stage skit by a comedy duo) was "Answering questions with things you can buy at a drug store". During the last half of their manzai, Murakami-san, who was one of two members of A-masso, asked "What does Naomi Osaka (a professional tennis player) need?" then her buddy, Kano-san answered "Bleach. She's too tan!" 

The people there were laughing at first, before realizing the joke was not acceptable. Then there was an awkward moment in the room. These are some of the comments on BuzzFeed: "A-masso was known as a little offensive comedy duo, but it was shocking that they made a racist joke. "I'm not gonna stop supporting them just because of this accident, but they have to take the responsibility."

Later on the 24th, Watanabe Production where A-masso belongs to, made an apology letter about the disrespectful references at the performance, however they didn't explain the details such as the name of Naomi Osaka and the exact words they used. Both Murakami-san and Kano-san made the apology comments with their handwriting as well.

While Japan's globalizing visually, for instance, traffic signs being replaced with ones that are written in English, or more people with difference races being seen in the city, Japanese need to educate themselves better about other cultures. There're many people that would want to stay in Japan forever so that they wouldn't have to deal with culture differences overseas. It seems like globalization would most likely keep going wherever you are. 


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